What can I expect from the Connect Nursery Ministry?
What a joy it is to have your child in our Nursery Ministry! Our team’s committed to making sure every child knows just how much Jesus loves them! We Believe: Jesus loves children (Matthew 19:13-14). We Believe Every kid matter (Psalm 139:14). We Believe we’re better together (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). We Believe in Faith, Family and FUN! We believe it is possible to share the love of Christ with children, beginning at birth.
Our Nursery staff and teachers are here to provide a safe, loving, and Christ-centered learning environment for your preschoolers. In order to provide the best care for your preschooler, we use an age-appropriate curriculum to present Biblical truths. Your preschooler is a very special person who deserves nothing less than the best care available. Parent participation is an important part of our program. We ask our preschool parents to serve once a month in one of our preschool classrooms (typically 10:15 am – 12:45 pm). Parents utilizing the nursery service must pick up their children in a timely manner as soon as church service ends no later than 12:50 pm**. Working together, we can provide an excellent preschool program where your child will grow to know and love Jesus. Please call on us if we can be of help on a personal basis.
The Diaper Bag
- What to Bring/Label
Your child’s bottle, pacifier, and diaper bag. (Bag tags available)
Disposable Diapers/Wipes
Change of clothes
- What NOT to Bring
Since we offer a complete curriculum with all necessary toys and materials, your child should NOT bring any toys to the classroom.
Health and Hygiene
- Sick Children
Children with above-normal temperature, colds, a persistent cough, rash or any contagious disease should not be brought to the preschool areas as infection of others may occur. Parents must be sure that their children are free of symptoms without medication for 24-hours before bringing them. If a child becomes ill while in the nursery area, the parent/guardian will be requested to come to the Preschool area to pick up their child.
Teachers do not administer medications.
In order to provide the healthiest environment possible, ALL classrooms, cribs, toys & linens are cleaned and disinfected after each use.
Safety and Security
- Keeping our Children Safe
Every child must have a security name tag to be admitted to a preschool classroom. Each session, please check your child in using this link: https://connectchurchatl.org/nursery-2/. This will register your child’s attendance. Please place the name tag on his/her back. This tag will also serve as a security tag at pick-up from his/her classroom as the child tag is matched to the parent pick-up tag before releasing them to parents. If your child is not enrolled, you will need to enroll your child.
Older siblings must be 16 years old to pick up your preschooler and listed on the parent release form as a designated person to pickup your child*.
When you arrive at the classroom for pick-up wait for the teacher before entering the classroom.
Children will not be released without the proper parent-tag.
Parents of bed babies can leave their cell phone number if needed for contact.
If there is a custody issue, please notify our Preschool Minister to assist you in extra safety precautions.
- Nursing Mother’s Room
A nursing room for mothers of nursing children is provided in the Fellowship Hall during childcare hours.
- General Information
If your child is experiencing difficulties, please do not discuss them in front of your child. The teacher will be glad to talk with you when the child is not present.
We will only receive children in rooms when there is a teacher present. Please do not leave your child in a room alone, stay with the child until the teacher arrives.
Infants and babies will be fed formula, juice or water from plastic bottles that are provided by the parents (please label each bottle with your child’s name). Older preschoolers may be served a small snack such as cookies or cheerios during transition time of Worship. Please inform our leaders of any food allergies and use the allergy stickers provided. At least two adults are present in classrooms at all times. Parents of preschoolers must remain* on campus during preschool classes and care.
- Emergency Situations – Health and Serious Injury
At Connect, we have key staff members, plus several volunteers that are trained in CPR/FIRST AID. We also have designated health professionals that will be alerted to assist during a health emergency. In an emergency situation such as fire, and/or weather related emergencies, the staff and volunteers here at Connect have been trained to execute the plans and policies that have been established by our leadership.