Our Vision

Our Vision

Imagine an assembly of people. They are from varying walks of life. Some of these people may have been incarcerated. Some are normal citizens that work regularly and take care of their families. Some of these people may have been divorced and/or single parents. Some are recovering from crisis situation (i.e. abuse, addictions, adultery, etc.). Some are blue-collar workers, businessmen, and corporate executives. These diverse groups all have one thing in common. They are sinners! However, they realize and accept that their sin has been paid for by Jesus Christ.

We can now envision…

People living lives that gives God Glory

A life that gives God Glory is a life that looks like Christ. We will become more like Christ if we learn what Christ is like. Learning is a part of growing in Godliness. Living a life that gives God glory means that one is actively learning who Christ is and applying the life of Christ to their life. (Ephesians 1:11-12)

People that are Spiritually disciplined

A Spiritually disciplined life is a life that regularly practices disciplines for the purpose of Holiness. These disciplines are but are not limited to worship, bible learning, prayer, fasting, fellowship, silence, solitude, giving, stewardship, evangelism, and community service. (1. Timothy 4:7)

People that have a personal and public worship life

Worship can be described as connecting with God giving him high esteem and worth. It is to give God the proper worth and to magnify his worthiness. Worship is focused on God. Worship is diverse in its approach. Worship is sacrificial. This should be a part of every person’s private and public life. (2 Samuel 6:12-23; Matt 19:16-22; John 12:1-6; Ephesians 1:11-12)

People that are connected in healthy relationships

Healthy relationships are persons doing life together. These persons bring out the best in each other. They pray with one another, hold each other accountable, ask each other tough questions, confess sin to each other, and are safe friends (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Proverbs 27:17).

People that are learning Godliness

Godly persons have a thirst for God. They desire the knowledge of God. These are people that are regular attendees of theological and biblical studies. They are passionate about pursuing ways to enhance their relationship with God. (Proverbs 9:9; 10:14; 18:15)

People that regularly share the message of Christ with others

Evangelistic people realize that they are forgiven and redeemed from sin. It ignites them to share this freedom with all who will listen. As they do life they look for creative and/or conventional ways to share their faith in Jesus Christ.

People that regularly lead social events to develop friendships with people in their community

Making a difference in the community will come through fun fellowship events for the purpose of bridging healthy relationships. Some examples are game nights, sport events, open classes, dinners, parties, and socials.

A multitude of honorable men

These men are consistent. They live with character and integrity. Some are eligible bachelors while others are great husbands and/or fathers. They are all skilled, gifted, and live to bring glory and honor to God and their world.

A place of dynamic Children

Youth MinistriesIt takes a village to raise a child and our church will be a part of the community village to raise Godly children and teenagers. We will have a safe, fun, loving, innovative, and a cutting edge environment of learning and worship. Children and Youth will be excited about coming to church because it ministers to where they are.

A place of refuge for crisis

Crisis situation is common to every person’s life experience. People may go through divorce, addictions, sicknesses, and varying hurts and pains. Our church is a place of refuge to find safety and hope for hopeless situations. This is done through support groups, counseling, prayer groups, and other acts of mercy.

A Ministry that supports and leads missions locally and globally

The goal of missions is to lead people toward commitment to following Christ by meeting social needs and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Locally, our ministry will plant and support churches in our local area. Second, we will send short –termed missionaries from our congregation to support specific relief efforts. Third, we will actively support career missionaries financially and prayerfully.

People that support this overall vision with prayer, finances, and involvement

An insurmountable multitude of people are going to believe in this vision. It will show by their commitment to praying and fasting over the ministry direction and goals. Secondly, these people will show their support by committing a portion of their stewardship toward this ministry vision. Lastly, there will be an army of volunteers ready to get involved. They will actively attend main church services, share their faith, lead fellowship events, and pursue a close relationship with Christ. This is the Connect Church making a difference in the world! We will be such an asset to our community that they will say we cannot survive without the ministries of Connect.

Send Mail to: Connect Church ATL, 3532 Covington Highway, Decatur, Ga 30032 (678) 705-8121 Email: info@connectchurchatl.org. Copyright 2011-2023