(Pre-Req) WHAT’S NEXT will teach you the essentials for being a follower of Jesus. We want to equip you to have a fulfilling walk with God because it will lead you to a successful life. By the end of this class you will know who you are, what you believe, and how to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.
- Complete What’s Next at your convenience with pre-recorded videos.
- Required Books: Bible
- Equipment Needs: Computer with camera and microphone or Smartphone
NEXT LEVEL LEADERSHIP TRAINING – Four Class Semesters of training to get licensed for Ministry or become Certified in Church Leadership. If you have not successfully completed What’s Next, you must successfully pass a per-requisite exam to qualify for the Next Level Leadership Course.
- Fridays 7pm-8:30pm
- Required Books: Bible and assigned books
- Equipment Needs: Computer with camera and microphone or Smartphone
Elective: Jesus Above All! (Discovering Why Jesus is above Hinduism, Islam, Black Hebrew Israelite, Buddhism, and Other Religions)
(Fall 2023)
Semester 1: How to Study the Bible. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
(Summer 2023)
Semester 2: Being on Mission
(Winter 2024)
Semester 3: Doctrines of the Faith
(Spring 2024 / Fall 2024)
Semester 4: Preaching and Teaching God’s Word
(Summer 2024)