The Women Behind the Lord’s Supper

Connect Church Lord Supper Flyerv2

A New Perspective

BENEATH THE UPPER ROOM tells the story of Jesus’ Last Supper–but from the vantage point of the women serving the Lord’s meal.  All the action takes place in the kitchen area that lies beneath the Upper Room where Jesus and his disciples are meeting.    It’s about Jesus and the women:   We hear the hopes and dreams of the women as they prepare the meal, and we hear their unique analysis of what’s going on in the Upper Room as each returns from serving their respective part of the Seder Meal to Jesus and His disciples.  Their concerns are really no different than ours today, but tying them into the events surrounding Jesus’ Passion gives us a new perspective on what took place 2000 years ago–and possibly a new perspective on our lives  and our Faith today.

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